Try to ask yourself that question when the time comes, you do first.
1. The purchase would have been throughout the month.
2. Keep your money in 15-20%.
Tips for saving money
From the books of Elizabeth Gilbert named Eat, Pray, Love can be created into a movie starring Julia Roberts has said Awga that "if you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind".
The meaning is "Psychologically important".
The tip of the collection is "Intention" and "tell myself that I would not want to buy".
The financial plan that reveals secrets
1. When you have a fixed income, it should have a fixed income, In order to have a constant and uniform.
2. How to save money to get fixed. It is to constrain the plan to save money.
* the key is to keep the money first. For the rest of the money collected can be used to pay for luxury items at a later date.