Friday, December 30, 2011

Shift Your Habit: Easy Ways to Save Money, Simplify Your Life, and Save the Planet

Shift Your Habit: Easy Ways to Save Money, Simplify Your Life, and Save the Planet so wonderful to have this as a quick guide on how to save money just to change the little things you do at home!

Elizabeth Rogers made ​​us realize the little baby steps can make such a change. You can create an easy read full of easy ways to save money and being of the environment at the same time.

This book is packed of useful ideas to benefit you go green and save money. It was so excellent for the planet and save money come around.

It is an excellent overview that will work for those starting or along the way. If you just start trying some of these simple techniques around the house or your office, you will save money in no time. it is easy, fun and very accessible.